D1.1 Update of needs analysis

A document exposing information about the research environment in Libyan universities, pointing weaknesses and strength of Libyan research activities. The report also presents a preliminary identification of training needs and research priorities.

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D1.2 Catalogue of Inspiring Practices and lessons learnt

A set of inspiring practices from both EU and North Africa collected through desk research and an online form with the support of all the partners. These practices focus on research management, research methodology, research implementation, with a special but not exclusive attention to Environmental studies, and are meant to be inspirational to the Libyan universities.

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D1.3 Report of on-site visits

A report that includes the results of field visits performed by the University of Tripoli to Libyan Partners. During WP1, the University of Tripoli as WP1 Leader guided Partners through the analysis of the research environment at each institution. The visits complemented the information already collected and allowed for a deeper analysis at each University.

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