D7.1 Dissemination Plan

The main objective of the document is to define the priorities, strategies and tools for the communication and dissemination of the project. Most notably, the promotion of the project and its achievements contributes to ensure the transparency of the project partnership and funding, to promote a common message on the necessity to develop skills and competences for the improvement of research in Libya, to give visibility to the main activities carried out in the framework of the project, and ultimately to contribute to the project results sustainability. The plan is enriched by specific and customized activities for each of the identified target groups and serves the purpure of ensuring a coherent communication of the project to the internal and external audience.

D7.1 Dissemination plan                                                           

Dissemination Reports

Reports present the dissemination activities carried out during the different stages of the IBTIKAR project, highlighting articles, videos or social media posts published during the project by all project partners.

Dissemination Mid-Term Report 

Dissemination Final Report

D7.4 Exploitation and Sustainability Plan

The document aims to ratify the commitment of the Libyan and European partners of the project in ensuring the long-lasting duration of the main results achieved during its 4-years lifetime. Starting point to define sustainability measures was a reflection on the long-term impact the ITBIKAR project is willing to generate. Impact sustainability is guaranteed by institutional commitment of the Partner universities that fully appropriate the project results. 

D7.4 Exploitation and Sustainability Plan

D7.5 Report of the Final Conference

The Final Conference was the occasion to present publicly the IBTIKAR history, results and legacy to a broader audience. Besides IBTIKAR partners, this event has seen the participation of representatives from the Libyan Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, from the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research, the European Ambassador, a representative from the Italian Embassy and representatives from Libyan HEIs not involved in the project. Around 60 participants attended the conference.

Agenda of the Final Conference

Event Flyer

D7.5 Report of the Final Conference